Vmware Privileged Guest Operations Vulnerability

Vmware Privileged Guest Operations Vulnerability

According to the vulnerability report that is published on 13th of June; a fully compromised ESXI Host may force VMware Tools to fail to authenticate host-to-guest operations, negatively impacting the confidentiality and integrity of the guest virtual machine. (CVE-2023-20867) , (CVE-2022-22948)

Vmware Privileged Guest Operations Vulnerability

Steps of Attack:

  • Attacker gains privileged access on Vcenter
  • Attacker retrieves 'vpxuser' ID Information on Vcenter
  • Accessing to the ESXI Hosts with the retrieved user information
  • Deployment of malicious VIB (vSphere Installation Bundle) on ESXI Host
  • Installing backdoors by using VIRTUALPITA and VIRTUALPIE
  • Running unauthenticated commands on the guest VM’s by using the compromised ESXI Hosts indicated on vulnerability with CVE-2023-20867.

Affected Systems

The vulnerability that causes the encrypted "vpxuser" credentials to be obtained in clear text format (Vmware vCenter Server 6.5/6.7/.70 versions) and the vulnerability with CVE-2022-22948 are affected. VMware center server 6.5/6.7/7.0 versions:

Affected Version / Fixed Version
6.5 6.5 U3r
6.7 6.7 U3p
7.0 7.0 U3d



Recommended Solution(s)

It is recommentded to patch the affected versions if there are Vcenter in the versions specified, in the virtualization environment.


VMware recommends the update of vulnerability (CVE-2023-20862) that enables remote code execution on Vmware tools and make the necessary consolidations in virtualization environments within the documentation they have published;



CVE-2023-20867, CVE-2022-22948

Related Website(s)

* Vulnerabilities with a CVSS 3.1 score between 7.0 and 8.9 are evaluated to be “high” whereas vulnerabilities with a CVSS 3.1 score between 9.0 and 10.0 are evaluated to be “critical”.